Human being needs Divine Guidance: Maulana M. M. Khan

December 12, 2010

The success of human being is lie in following the divine guidance i.e. Quran. these thoughts were expressed by Mulana Malik Moatasim Khan.  He was addressing a public meeting which was organized by the Ranjmandari chapter of Jamaat e Islami Hind, on the eve of  A.P. , Orrisa States level campaign on the theme, ‘Enlightened by Quran’. Continuing his speech MM Khan told in the contemporary society the evils like injustice, disorder, discrimination, chaos, human bloodshed and humiliation of women are increasing. To eradicate all these evils human being needs the Divine guidance. For the guidance of human being God has revealed his guidance upon His Messengers, and Quran is His last Book which was revealed on the last Prophet Hadrat Mohammad (PBUH) which is the guidance for entire human being. He emphatically told that the well being of a man is lie only in this Book, so every man should recite and practice on it.

On this occasion Rafique Ahmed a Telugu orator also spoke in this programme a huge gathering of both Hindus and Muslims was present.

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1 Comment

  1. pune

    ”Maulana” Malik Moatasim Khan : Since when you have garlanded with “Maulana”