President JIH Inaugurated New Office of Islamic Sahitya Trust

February 21, 2018

Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umari inaugurated the new office of Islamic Sahitya Trust at Jamia Nagar, Delhi.

Maulana Umari on the occasion said, that the IST(Islamic Sahitya Trust) has provided literature for the Islamic ideology in the Hindi Language for the last several decades. He admitted that while there is a need to develop literature on new issues confronting the Muslim ummah, but added that what has been produced by the IST should be appreciated and utilized by IST’s patrons.

Other Prominent Leaders of Jamaat Nusrat Ali(Vice President, JIH), Mohammad Salim Engineer(Secretary General, JIH), Maulana Mohammad Iqbal Mulla(Dawah Secretary) were also present in the program.

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