Jamaat leaders visit riot relief camps in Muzaffarnagar

September 14, 2013

jihpress New Delhi: A delegation of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind comprising central and local leaders visited several riot relief camps and met the affected people in Muzaffarnagar. The delegation comprising central secretaries Mohammad Ahmed and Mohammad Shafi Madani, besides Dr. Salimuddin, Coordinator, Meerut Zone, Dr. Alauddin and Mohammad Sajid visited several camps in Sanjhak, Tawli, Shahpur, Badhana, Shamli and Charthawal.

The affected people told the Jamaat leaders their horrific tales. The delegation concluded that the riot was well planned targeting the minority community. The rioters did not spare even children, elderly and the women. The delegation came to know about gang rapes with women, destruction of mosques and houses and desecration of holy books. The victims told that there are 30 villages where Muslims were targeted and consequently thousands had to flee to safety in other places and relief camps. More than 50000 people are said to be living in relief camps. Due to the carelessness of the administration and government, the riots took place at large scale. The delegation wondered how a huge gathering in the name of panchayat was allowed when Section 44 was already enforced.

It was felt that armed forces have not yet reached several affected areas and Muslims in Muzaffarnagar are still terrified. The delegation of Jamaat demanded the Uttar Pradesh government to award compensation to the families of deceased persons on the pattern of 1984 Sikh riot compensation; the government should ensure that they are brought back to their homes safely. Jamaat secretary Mohammad Shafi Madani impressed upon the in-charge of relief camps to be ready for a legal fight — FIR should be lodged against the rioters; FIR should also be filed for missing people. The victim families should get their properties surveyed by surveyors recognized by the government. Jamaat secretary Mohammad Ahmed assured the victims that they would be helped by the Jamaat.

We are assessing the damages and after complete survey Jamaat will start relief work as it did in Gujarat and Assam. He appealed to Muslims to work with patience. He also asked them not to believe rumors and verify news. Dr. Salimuddin, Coordinator, Meerut Zone, said we did not work as Da’iee. Had we taken the message of Quran to them, they would not have burnt the copies of Quran today.

The delegation also met district officials.

You can participate in relief work to needy riot hit people in the way of Deposit your amount in the following A/c No:
A/C NO: 6626002100001028
Contact No: 9557373217,9410023875

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    Self has transferred Rs 5000/ for muzaffarnagar riot victims as zakat, please confirm the receipt of amount.

  2. burhanudheen

    please mention a/c holder name in the above for relief