2. Organization

Markaz and Zones will pay special attention to the expansion of the Jamaat in new areas within their respective jurisdictions and towards the consolidation of existing organizational units along with continuous increase in their cadre. In addition, special attention will be given to the comprehensive training of members and associates and the promotion of a healthy organizational culture. Special attention will be given to the involvement of women and girls students in all spheres of activities.


  • Paying special attention to the expansion and consolidation of the Zones that require special focus by Markaz and utilizing the human resources of other Zones in this regard.
  • Expanding Jamaat in their jurisdictions by Local Units and endeavouring for rapid increase in the human resources of Jamaat.
  • Paying special attention to Members and workers to enhance their public relations and making a concerted effort to involve new people in Jamaat. In this regard, attention to be paid to involving those from Tehreeki circles as well as the members of every section of Muslim society.
  • Paying special attention towards the religious and Tehreeki training of all those associated with the Local Units and exerting efforts to uplift them from their present level.
  • Promoting a healthy organizational environment at the Zonal and Local Unit level that would maximize opportunities for individuals to learn and develop themselves, as well as facilitate the induction of new individuals into the organization.
  • Producing desired outcomes should be the focus of the activities. Zones must ensure better planning, effective implementation and seamless review and accountability along with strengthening organizational discipline in their Local Units.
  • Paying special attention to engaging the youth at Zonal and Local levels, ensuring their enrolment in Jamaat and emphasizing strengthening the youth organizations.
  • Paying special attention to work among women and girl-students at Zones and Local Units and trying to induct them into Jamaat.
  • Paying special attention to the expansion and consolidation of work in metros, big cities and rural areas.


  1. Special attention will be given to the all-around development of Uttar Pradesh (East), Uttar Pradesh (West), Bihar, Delhi and Madhya Pradesh and in pursuance goal setting will be done.
  2. Special attention will be given to the introduction and expansion of the Jamaat in Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Tripura.
  3. Organizational consolidation in Odisha, Andaman, Uttarakhand and Manipur shall be carried out so that they can be accorded the organizational status of “Zone”.
  4. By the end of the current term, at least two new Local Units will be established in all those districts where the Muslim population is 25% or more.
  5. The Zones of Uttar Pradesh (West), Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Gujarat, Delhi, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Goa, Madhya Pradesh and Assam (North and South) will at least double their numerical strength in terms of cadre and number of Local Units.
  6. Efforts will be made to enhance a threefold increase in Local Units and cadres in the states of Manipur, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Chhattisgarh and Odisha.
  7. At least two new Local Units shall be formed in all districts of Kerala, Telangana, Maharashtra, Karnataka and West Bengal. The strength of the cadre will be increased at least by 50%.
  8. Efforts will be made to have at least 30% women and at least 30% youth in the new enrollment of the cadre.
  9. Every member and worker of Jamaat will make sure that at least one person from his family, neighbourhood and professional circle associate with Jamaat.
  10. Human resources of the Jamaat will be increased in Zones and Local Units to achieve a ratio of 1:10 between members and workers among the cadre.



  1. Members congregation (Ijtima e arkaan) will be held at national level.
  2. Training sessions will be organized for leaders at National, Zonal, District and Local levels as per their rank.
  3. Tehreeki literature will be produced in e-books and audio book format.
  4. The institution for human resource development will be strengthened.
  5. To make the concept of term plan trickle-down, a special session of state leaders will be convened.

(Note: Keeping in view the above guidelines, objectives, targets, programs and resources, various Zones and Local Units shall determine their own targets and programs. Targets could be set for the ongoing activities, new initiatives and experimental engagements, as per their conditions, needs and strengths.)



Jamaat will cultivate adherence to Quran and Sunnah among Muslims.
Salah, Zakat and other obligatory duties should be performed diligently in Muslim
Muslims should rise above sectarian prejudices and strife and face the challenges confronting them unitedly.
Muslims should realize the importance of Islamic collectivism and its blessings.
Youth should be acquainted with proper aim of life. Opportunities should be provided to them for utilization of their talents.
Mosques should be centres of reform, education and collective activities.
Muslim institutions of education, service and guidance should reflect Islamic values and ethics viz. integrity and honesty, justice and equity, respect for human beings, transparency, consultative functioning, adherence to rules and efficiency.
Muslims need to be aware of – Islamic criterion of matrimonial alliance, Islamic guidelines for marriage, unacceptability of dowry-demand and extravagance, principles of child upbringing and Islamic law of inheritance. Muslim society should put Islamic teachings in practice.
In case of discord in a married couple, Muslims should know the resolution methods recommended by Islam. They include efforts of reforms, mediation and if necessary, a single divorce or “khula”. A dispute (if it arises) should be referred to Darul Qaza.
Counseling centers, reform committees, Shari’ah panchayats and Darul Qaza should be established.
Muslims should be persuaded to establish collective system for gathering and disbursement of Zakat and Ushr. Some places may be selected on priority basis.
Friday sermons should be relevant and well prepared. Zones should make arrangements for drafting and disseminating them.
Model localities should be developed.

Jamaat will present the comprehensive concept of religion such that Muslims know the objective of Iqamat-e-Deen. The target audience is 10 times the numerical strength of Jamaat adherents.
Islamic teachings in regard to family will be conveyed through educational programs, to one lakh boys and girls, before their marriage.
Mosques would be made centres of Muslim collective life. Number of such mosques needs to be doubled. In any case, at least two mosques should reach this level in each unit.

  • One hundred Counselling centres would be established.
  • An organization of Ulema (if does not exist) will be formed at Zonal level.
  • Each local unit would establish children circles.
  • Each local unit would establish children circles.
  • At Central level, programs would be organized for madrasah graduates and imams.
  • At Zonal level, programs will be organized for lady graduates of madrasahs.
  • Darul Qaza will be established in selected places.
  • All India campaign will be organized on “Commitment to Quran”.




Muslims would be urged to take necessary measures, within the boundaries of Shariah and law of the land; to defend themselves against assaults on their life, property, honour and dignity. They should seek the cooperation of all sensible elements, in this regard.
Waqf properties need to be protected and properly utilized. The government and the custodians will be apprised about their responsibilities, in this regard.
Legal aid and support should be provided to victims of illegal excesses committed by state machinery. People, in general, would also be educated about legal safeguards available to citizens, against such excesses.

  • Planned measures need to be adopted for economic betterment of Muslims.
  • At Zonal level, cells should be formed to protect and utilise Waqf properties.
  • Regular fruitful contact is needed among Muslim professionals, scholars, bureaucrats, legal experts, industrialists and businessmen to utilise their services and talents for community development.
  • Such groups would be formed in Zones which may take immediate notice of offences against Muslims and other deprived sections. They would initiate necessary remedial measures at legal, political and social level.


  • Target of providing gainful employment to Muslims equal to the numerical strength of Jamaat workers.
  • Jamaat would make institutional arrangements in 5% of its units to provide employment guidance and technical skill training.
  • Full utilization will be ensured of welfare schemes meant for Muslims.


  • In ten states, institutions will be formed to provide guidance for entrepreneurship.
  • For unity of the Muslim community – “Muslim Mushtarka (united) forums” will be formed in towns and cities; and also, at state level.
  • Half of Jamaat units will motivate one student each to pursue higher education in mass communication, law or subjects relevant to civil services. They would provide necessary support, monitoring orientation and guidance.
  • Citizens would be urged to defend themselves through legitimate means, permitted by Shariah and law of the land; in order to protect their life, property, honour and dignity. To guide them, literature will be prepared.
  • Literature will be prepared to guide people to protect them from illegal excesses committed by state machinery. Public opinion will be awakened against such excesses and victims would be provided legal relief.
  • Contact will be maintained with members of legislative bodies to draw their attention to community problems and invite their intervention.




  1. Jamaat shall endeavour for people of our country to develop healthy ethos based on moral values, where justice would prevail and improper socio- economic discrimination is eliminated. For this purpose, Jamaat will present the guidance of Islam.
    Jamaat shall strive on various levels, to eradicate communalism and fascism. It would educate public opinion to promote democratic values and ensure just dispensation for all cultural entities. In this context, Jamaat will try to exercise healthy influence on the electoral process.
    Jamaat would denounce the trends of violent disregard of law and government’s negligence in curbing it. It would highlight the need for respect of law and inculcation of sensitivity in state machinery.
    Jamaat would oppose the increasing influence of imperialist powers on country’s foreign policy and proximity with aggressive states. It would advocate an independent and just stance in international issues.
    Jamaat would provide alternatives to unjust policies in politics, economy and education. It would oppose capitalist exploitation.
    Jamaat will educate public against oppression of women and foeticide.
    Jamaat would raise its voice against corruption. It would emphasize that to check corruption, it is necessary to cultivate faith in God and sense of accountability and develop an effective regulatory mechanism.
  2. Jamaat will oppose the actions of imperialist forces to control and subjugate independent countries. It would condemn the violence and atrocities directed against masses demanding their due rights.
    Jamaat will continue to support the independent state of Palestine. It would advocate complete liberation of Palestine and condemn the excesses committed against people of Palestine.
    Jamaat would support movements in Muslim countries, which are working for promotion of democratic values protection of human rights and reconstruction of society on Islamic principles.


         In every Zone, Jamaat will contact 5% of non- Muslims journalists and intellectuals to acquaint them of the Islamic approach to current issues. Similarly, all Muslim intellectuals and journalists of that Zone will be contacted.
Jamaat will educate the public and policy makers in favour of Islamic economy and banking; to pave the way for establishment of Islamic banks, provision of interest free accounts and promotion of Islamic financial products.
For protection of civil rights of people and provision of legal aid and guidance to victims, forums would be established at state level.


        A group will be formed in each state to maintain regular and effective contact and share views with public figures and administrators (including police officers and bureaucrats). A similar group will be formed to interact with NGO’s and social forums.
To meet environmental crisis, Islamic teachings would be presented. Practical steps would also be taken to overcome the crisis.

  • News portal at Centre would be improved. News portal would be launched in states, and cooperation would be extended to like-minded initiatives.
  • States will organize campaigns on themes related to justice.



Jamaat will continue, without any discrimination, its efforts to provide rehabilitation and legal material and medical aid to victims of man-made or natural calamities, epidemics or riots.
Adherents of Jamaat would strive to solve the problems of poor localities and work for provision of basic needs in such areas.


Welfare centres will be established in 25% units of a Zone to help citizens in procuring necessary documents (such as voter card). The whole population of a town or a Mohalla would be covered in this exercise.
In at least one poor locality in one-fourth of its units; Jamaat shall, with the help and cooperation of noble elements, forums and local bodies, strive to provide basic facilities of education, health, hygiene and mcirofinance. Employment guidance would be provided to enable ten thousand people to get employment.


In all its units, Jamaat would provide assistance to the poor and needy as well as divorced or widowed women.
Jamaat will continue, without any discrimination its efforts to rehabilitate people affected by calamities, epidemics or riots; and provide their material and medical assistance. Groups of volunteers would be formed for this purpose.
In one fourth of its units, Jamaat will contribute to the provision of necessary facilities in public schools and hospitals.
In selected cities, cells will be formed to assist people get medical treatment. Such cells would also guide people about public and private welfare scheme of medical treatment.



  • Wide dissemination of Islamic concept of knowledge and research.
    Improvement in academic standard of Muslim institutions of research and learning.
  • guidance of teachers and research scholars.
  • motivating religious educational institutions to undertake research. critical evaluation of the contemporary concept of research. interaction with research institutions. creation of alternatives to wrong policies.
  • Review of Muslim research output and identification of relevant research themes.
    acquaintance with research on Islam and Muslims.
  • seeking cooperation of scholars to carry out research relevant to urgent issues, at state level promotion of academic excellence, at unit level.

Target and Program

  • Strengthening Centre for Study and Research (CSR) and Tasneefi academy.
  • Literature on policy alternatives.
  • Translation of useful books; Urdu to English as well as various languages to Urdu.
  • Academic workshops on new challenges and evolution of thought. Academic initiatives to counter. negative propaganda against Islam and Muslims.



  • The syllabus and system of Muslim institutions should reflect the world view and values of Islam.
  • Critical review should be done of government’s policies and syllabi and flaws should be pointed out.
  • State should be reminded of its duty to provide free or affordable education to all. Practical steps would be identified. Through public opinion and legislation, it should be ensured that education is affordable and within reach of masses.
  • Awareness campaign to be launched to promote education among Muslims. Standard of educational institutions linked with Jamaat, should be improved.
  • Government and philanthropists should establish institutions in enough number, to meet people’s needs.
  • Jamaat, according to its capacity would establish educational institutions.
    Muslim boys and girls need to be warned and protected against possible harmful effects of prevailing educational system. Suitable counter measures include attachment with Islamic organizations, supplementary religious instruction and vacation Islamic courses.
  • Scholarship should be provided students of social sciences.


  • With the cooperation of likeminded individuals, Jamaat would establish hundred new schools and two hundred centres for supplementary religious instruction.
    At least one-fourth of institutions linked with Jamaat, would be improved to achieve “A” level of performance.
  • Each unit would identify suitable localities to achieve the target of 100% school enrolment therein.


  • Cooperation would be extended to Kerala Zone to establish a university and introduce it across the country.
  • Public and private text books would be critically examined. Efforts would be made to correct the flaws, if any.
  • Central government’s educational policies would be reviewed. Flaws would be pointed out and alternatives suggested. Zones would make similar efforts.
  • Teacher’s manuals and textbooks would be prepared up to tenth standard. Books and manuals would be made available in English also.
  • Resource site would be launched to help teachers provide education of high academic standard, with Islamic viewpoint.
  • Scholarships would be arranged for students of social sciences and subjects relevant to civil services.



(A) Individual development

A Jamaat associate would pay due attention to Tazkiyah to develop his personality, in order to become beneficial to family, society and the Islamic Movement. In particular, attention needs to be paid to the following:

  • Proper attention in Salah, remembrance of Allah, regular reading of Quran, and supplication to create sense of proximity with Adherents would, for their reform, seek guidance of people superior to them in knowledge and piety.
  • Efforts to create religious and spiritual atmosphere in Jamaat.
    Study of Tafseer, Fiqh, history and contemporary ideologies along with attention to intellectual growth.
  • Proper diet and lifestyle to maintain good health, timely treatment of disease, physical exercise and developing physical capabilities.
  • Peaceful family environment, kindness to parents and kin, meaningful life, family meeting.
  • Kindness to relatives and neighbors.
  • Legitimate earnings, self-reliance, financial stability, spending in the way of Allah.
    Control of negative emotions e.g. anger, and pessimism; cultivation of Optimism.
    Active role to serve humanity, reform society and contribute to Islamic Movement.

(B) Collective development

Jamaat’s ethos will be improved to:

  • Promote mutual kindness, motivated by desire to please Allah.
  • Encourage selfless service.
  • Ensure discipline.
  • Utilise talents and appreciate innovation.
  • Inculcate efficiency and awaken sense of accountability.
  • Teach the etiquette of criticism and proper speech, ensuring polite approach, counselling people about truth, resoluteness and benevolence.

(C) Capacity development

  • A large number of people would be involved in Jamaat activities.
  • The message would be conveyed to talented individuals.
  • Help of experts would be sought to develop skills.
  • Individual and collective efforts would be made to develop capabilities.


Each Jamaat member and worker would:

  • Read completely at least one Tafseer of Quran.
  • Make and implement the individual annual plan of growth.
    Develop a new capability.
  • The family environment would be made pleasant reflecting Islamic
  • Jamaat associate would be active in communication of the message, reform of society and guidance of people.
  • An institute for the development of capabilities would be established.
  • Two Tazkiyah programs would be organized for Zonal Ameers.
  • Each unit will organize quarterly Tazkiya camp; while each Zone will organize annual meet for incharges at Zonal level, with due attention to purification of heart.
    Suitable syllabus would be prepared for systematic study of Quran and Islamic literature. Online courses will be accordingly prepared. Online tests would be organised to gauge people’s knowledge and suggestions for improvement would be given.
  • Format for individual growth plan, would be provided.



  • Those entrusted with responsibilities should be educated about their role and duty; they should display affection and kindness towards associates.
  • Jamaat adherents should have firm commitment to the objective and cultivate intellectual maturity.
  • Jamaat will pay attention to comprehension of the importance of collectivism, respect for collective decisions and obedience to proper authority (within “Maroof”).
  • Consultative ethos will be developed in Jamaat with due attention to Islamic etiquette of criticism and expression of views and opinions.
  • Effective system of monitoring and introspection would be introduced.
  • Students and youth linked with Jamaat and supporting organizations, should be developed to contribute to Islamic Movement.
  • Incharges should take immediate notice of flaws and shortcomings in units and adherents. Remedial measures should be initiated including purge if necessary.


  • Units will achieve the required level of organizational consolidation, to the satisfaction of Zonal Shoora.
  • Youth in Jamaat should be doubled compared the present strength.
  • In proportion to the number of Jamaat members, 10% new adherents per year should be developed to membership level.
  • Jamaat activities would be initiated in fifty new districts.
  • Every worker would systematically spare time for Islamic activities, as guided by local
  • A plan will be made for work among children. Associates would be imparted necessary training to implement it.
  • Youth forums would be formed in all Zones.
  • Attention will be paid to developing Zones, with the help of better Zones.
  • Members meet will be held at Zonal level.
  • Two programs of Zonal Ameers will be held for organizational orientation and instruction.
  • Due attention will be given to activities among women.
  • GIO will be formed and strengthened in Zones. Selected members program would be held at Jamaat Headquarters.
    Cooperation would be sought from and extended to likeminded organizations and forums.
  • City-level organisational structure would be established in selected major cities, to make Jamaat an effective force in all segments of society.
  • Every year, the number of workers should increase by 20%.
    In all Zones, Jamaat activities will be initiated in 30% new places, giving priority to regions with Muslim population.
  • Jamaat will be introduced in states where its organisational structure does not
  • Zones will create cells to invite students and youth to Islamic activities.
  • Orientation programs for “incharges” of various levels will be organized by Centre of Jamaat.