Jamaat-e-Islami Hind condemns death sentence for dozen of Muslim Brotherhood figures in Egypt; endorses call of Muslim scholars to halt their execution

June 20, 2021


New Delhi, 20 June 2021: Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) President Syed Sadatullah Husaini has condemned the death penalty given to a dozen of senior leaders and figures of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and endorsed the call made by Muslims scholars worldwide, for halting their execution.


In a media statement, the JIH President said “We condemn the decision by Egypt’s highest civilian court that upheld the death sentences for 12 pro-democracy protestors. Several independent sources attest that they were falsely charged of orchestrating the killing of security forces in 2013. The entire case against the accused was fabricated from the beginning to discredit the peaceful protests against the illegitimate regime of General Abdel Fattah Sisi, who violently overthrew the legitimate and democratically elected government of President Mohammed Morsi. It is widely reported that this is another unjust ruling by a kangaroo court to target the Opposition at the behest of the dictatorial and anti-democratic regime of General Sisi. Awarding capital punishment to those who stand for democracy, truth and justice should stir the conscience of all those who cherish these values and they must seek ways and means to stop this unjust and brutal abuse of human rights.”


Mr. Husaini has urged the United Nations, the international community and the Government of India to denounce this brutality and stop the military regime from carrying out these inhuman acts of retribution. He has endorsed the call given by Islamic scholars from across the globe to civil society and human rights institutions in all countries, especially in the Western world, to act urgently, strive to stir up public opinion and put pressure on their respective governments to halt this open mockery and affront to the basic rules of law and justice. “We pray to Allah for granting patience and fortitude to all those resisting tyranny and oppression and help them achieve success in their just cause and legitimate mission for upholding freedom and the rule of law,” he added.

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