JIH Secretary General writes to Union Home Minister over hate campaign against minorities

September 12, 2014

JIH Secretary General writes to Union Home Minister over hate campaign against minorities

New Delhi, 12 Sep 2014: Mr. Nusrat Ali, Secretary General of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, has written a to Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh over the spurt in saffron hate campaign against minorities, particularly Muslims since Bharatiya Janata Party came to power at the Centre in May this year. In his three-page letter sent to Mr. Singh on 10th Sep, Jamaat leader said the hate campaign will not only harm the plural and secular character of the country but also obstruct the development plans of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He urged the government to follow Raj Dharma and reassure constitutional rights of minorities and stressed that without taking all communities along, India cannot develop and progress.

Text of the Letter:


Honourable Rajnath Singh

Union Minister for Home Affairs

New Delhi


Subject: Hate Campaign against Minorities

Dear Sir,

Through this letter, we would like to draw your kind attention to the spurt in hate campaign and provocative speeches targeting minorities, particularly Muslims in last three months in different parts of the country. We all peace-loving people who believe in democracy and Constitution are shocked at the surge in hate campaign which will harm the plural and secular character of the country and also the development plans that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has spelled out since he assumed office.

The country witnessed hateful political campaign during the Lok Sabha Elections 2014 but after a strong government with full majority was formed at the centre on 26th May, it was widely hoped that the hate campaign would be reined in. But what happened was just shocking and disturbing. Hate campaigners appeared to have got more wings as they launched new series of false propaganda in the name of fabricated terms like ‘Love Jihad’, ‘communal’ rapes and ‘forced’ conversions. Much to the disappointment of the countrymen particularly minorities,leaders of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and Sangh Parivar including Yogi Adityanath, Ashok Singhal and Praveen Togadia continued making provocative, poisonous and hateful speeches and no action was taken against them.

It is true that Law and Order is a matter of state governments, but when a state fails in maintaining law and order and hate campaign creates huge communal tensions the central government cannot remain silent. Should we assume that you are happy and satisfied with the performance of state governments in tackling the issue of communalism and hate campaign? If not, then the central government must take actions against the people who are creating divisions in the society and they should be stopped from doing so further.

It is obligatory on both central and state governments to follow Raj Dharma to reassure safety, security, dignity and rights given by the Constitution of the country to every citizen, group and community including minorities.

As law-abiding organisation of the country, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind hopes the government would not allow anyone to take law into their hands.

Soon after assuming charge, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken some good austerity measures and decisions – like asking ministers not to buy new cars and curtail foreign tours and announcement for toilet at every home and school and bank account for every citizen. He has also spelled out his vision of development for the country.

But we wonder if any developmental target can be achieved without maintaining peace and social unity. We strongly think that no country can progress and become powerful unless all of its communities feel secure about their life, properties, identity, language and culture and their participation in nation building and share in development are ensured.

A situation where Muslims, the largest minority of the country, are in constant fear and demonised and hate campaign creates distrust among different communities will not help the government to fulfil the obligation of Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas and it will weaken our country and slow down its journey to progress and prosperity.

We hope that the government would do the needful to create a true feeling of trust, safety, security and dignity among all communities including minorities and to ensure equal opportunities for their full participation in nation building.

This democratically elected government is of all citizens whether they voted for or against it. It has big challenges ahead like poverty, inflation and corruption. These challenges can be met successfully only if we all are together and united, and peace, justice, mutual trust and harmony prevail in the country.

Despite differences of opinions on some issues, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind would always appreciate and support good initiatives of the government to keep the society and the nation on the principles laid down by the Constitution.


Sincerely Yours

Nusrat Ali

Secretary General

Jamaat-e-Islami Hind

New Delhi

10th September 2014

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  1. mazhar farooque

    Allahu Akbar.
    Shayad k utar jaye tere DIL me meri baat.

  2. shah abdul hannan

    Good move.

  3. Khaderbasha

    Mr. Nusrat Ali,
    Secretary- General
    Jamaat- e- Islami Hind,
    New Delhi,
    14 September 2014

    Subject: Letter of Appreciation,

    Dear Mr. Nusrat Ali,

    I congratulate you for your concern over the matter of minority in particular and other National Issues in Genral. Sir, We the people of India in General and Muslims in Particular feel immense proud that you in the capacity of Secretary-General, Jamaat-e- Islami Hind, wrote a letter to Mr. Raj Nath Singh, Home Minister, Union Of India. We congratulate you to make him (Mr. Raj Nath Singh, Home Minister, Union Of India) aware about the activity of the Sangh including the Hate campaign and poisonous speeches delivered by the members of the Sangh including Yogi Adityanath, Ashok Singhal and Praveen Togadia.

    Sir, Your concern over the Love-Jihad, minorities constitutional rights, particularly, Muslims who are the Second largest majority of the Country and about their pathetic condition on the one hand and the pre- poll campaign salogan of BJP; SAB KA SATH, SAB KA VIKAS on the other hand to have no nexus to show the redemption of the pledge of the government just taken before and after the poll, is of immense importance.

    We are thankful to remind the minister about the importance of unity and integrity of the nation needed to move the country to realize the goals set out in the Constitution of India, Particularly Chapter 3rd and 4th of the Indian Constitution dealing with the Fundamental Rights of the Citizen and the Duty of the State in the Governance of the Country that is Directive Principle of State Policy (DPSP). You are very right in your saying that the Government should observe the Rajya Dharma and must insure a life to the general mass particularly to the marginalized group, where their life with dignity can,t be compromised and the liberty and property can’t be taken away without the reasonable reason. You are very right in your saying that day to day need of the people can’t be ignored and the Prime Minister Narendra Modi must come forward with an open heart to accept the and tolerate the difference which is the bedrock of the Secularism in India and the prime minister must fulfill his promises of acchey din for every one without compromising the issue of Corruption and basic sanitation facility to the people.

    I again thankful to you as a responsible person of Jamaat-e- Islami Hind, for your great work to the nation and the Minority.
