JIH Calls for Full Probe into Brutal Murder and Rape of Muslim Nurse in Uttarakhand

JIH officials meet the family of the Uttarakhand nurse, demanding justice.

September 7, 2024

New Delhi: Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) officials, led by its National Secretaries Shafi Madani and Mohammad Ahmed, visited the family members of a Muslim nurse who was brutally raped and murdered in Uttarakhand. The heinous crime sent shockwaves across the country. The JIH delegation extended heartfelt condolences and called for a comprehensive investigation to bring culprits before justice. They announced full legal and financial assistance to the aggrieved family.
The delegation, joined by members from the JIH’s Uttarakhand unit, visited the residence of the victim, Tasleem Jahan, in Gadarpur, Rudrapur. The 35-year-old nurse was reported missing on July 30 and her body was discovered over a week later on August 8 in a desolate plot near her home. She leaves behind an 11-year-old daughter. Her family has accused the authorities of foul play, claiming her body was mutilated and some organs were missing—details they say were never included in the official post-mortem report.
A suspect, Dharmendra Kumar, a construction worker, was apprehended by the police who, while claiming that he was in an inebriated state when he assaulted Tasleem, serious concern was raised by the delegation regarding the investigation done by the police because of the speed with which the suspect was apprehended and not being adequately questioned. Madani asked how one person could commit such brutality without raising suspicion in a populated area.
The family of Tasleem is facing tough times due to financial problems and demands answers and justice for her daughter. Tasleem was the only breadwinner in the family, having an aged father, younger siblings, and a daughter to look after. The family has moved the Supreme Court with a writ petition supported by Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind, demanding proper investigation into the case.
But despite the heinous nature of the crime, there was hardly any coverage in the mainstream media. JIH expects the media to give the attention this case deserves, irrespective of the religious identity of the victim. The delegation reiterated that only a free and transparent investigation can uncover the truth and bring the real culprits into the dock. Jamaat-e-Islami Hind shares the grief of the bereaved family and will continue its efforts to help keep the hope for justice not merely being done but seen to be done in this gruesome case.

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