Stop murder of democracy and humanity in Egypt & Syria: JIH

September 13, 2013

Two-Circle12 September 2013 – 9:33pm  By TCN News,

Mumbai: Jamaat-e-Islami-Hind Mumbra organised the ‘Save humanity and Democracy’ to condemn the “ongoing barbaric act and spread awareness about it among people,” last Sunday at the Zam Zam Hall.The programme was supported by various other organizations including Shivraj Pakash, Ehtijaj Foundation, SIO, Al-Aqsa Trust, Al- furqaan Trust etc.

The program started with the recitation and translation of the Holy Quran. A brief account of the events taking place in the Middle East and information about the program was presented by Abdus Salaam Malik the organizer of the program. “This program is part of series of efforts for the rights of the people by concerned NGO’s from Delhi to Bangalore” said Abdus Salaam. “It is sad that authorities in Mumbai did not allow us to organize this event.



“The ongoing brutal killing of thousands of men, women and children in Egypt and Syria is being overlooked by the world. The overthrowing of democratically elected govt. in Egypt by the military and silence of the so called democratic countries on this is shocking. Thousands of peaceful protestors are being killed in Egypt by the military. Superpower USA, the EU, the UNO far from condemning the attack is being remaining silent. What is even more shocking is that countries like USA and Israel are exploiting the situation for their own political interest. Few have come forward to speak against it,” read a statement issued by the organisers.

Shafque Nadvi head of Jamiat-ul-ulma-e-hind, Maharashtra thanked JIH for creating the opportunity to speak against the “horrendous crime.” “This events and killings were preplanned and did not start all of a sudden. We must not at all get disappointed due to the situation; we must keep hope and stand together with constancy and patience,”he said.



He openly condemned the USA and Saudi Arabia for supporting the military in overthrowing the democratically elected government. Mufti Huzefa, head of Jamiat-ul-ulma -Hind, Maharashtra said, “USA ,the so called protector of humanity does not consider even the basic rights when it comes to protecting its own interest, killing millions of innocent people in the name of ‘war on terrorism’. India which in past openly opposed the act is now silent. If we cannot help the Egyptian and Syrian people directly we must at least condemn it. Such programs should be organized everywhere, I congratulate JIH for the initiative.”

Javed Shaikh president of JIH Mumbra thanked all the organization for supporting the cause. “We are all responsible citizens and as responsible people it is our duty to condemn the killing of thousands of innocent people. It is good to see by the gathering that so many people are concerned about it”. I. A Mali said “we must concentrate on education of the next generation. We must unite to fight the injustice in India and World over with education as our weapon.



KK Suhail director of the Human Welfare Trust and former national president of Student Islamic Organization said the protest in Egypt is the rarest of rare event, where thousands of men, women and children keeping their life on the verge have come to protest peacefully without a single weapon and on the other hand is the powerful Egyptian military supported by the U.S.A who has the largest number of weapons of mass destruction”. Finally together on behalf of JIH and other organizations the following demands were put forward;

1) Immediate restoration of the democratically elected govt of Freedom and justice party.

2) Immediate release Dr. Mohammad Mursi and his reinstatement as the President of Egypt.

3) The army officers involved in the illegal coup should be suspended immediately. They must be punished for their crimes.

4) The political parties supporting the despotic military coup should immediately be banned.

5) Compensation to the kith & kin of the deceased and also to the wounded.

6) Immediate release of people unlawfully detained.

7) Peace to be restored in Syria and a democratically elected government be formed immediately.

8) Syrian refugees to be rehabilitated back to their own country.

9) We strongly condemn the chemical attack on civilians and innocent children.

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