JIH President condemns the hanging of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami chief – Maulana Motiur Rahman Nizami

May 11, 2016

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New Delhi – 11 May 2016: The President of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) Maulana Jalaluddin Umari has strongly condemned the execution of Maulana Motiur Rahman Nizami, the Ameer (Chief) of Bangladesh’s Jamaat-e-Islami by the Awami League regime and called it another shameful act of judicial killing which is part of the ongoing brutal persecution of political opponents by Shaikh Hasina government.

Maulana Nizami was sentenced to death on 29th October 2014, by the so called International Crimes Tribunal of Bangladesh. The sham “International Crime Tribunals” and their proceedings have been declared mala fide and perfidious against international legal standards by almost all global institutions including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch etc. The International Crimes Tribunals violates norms of fair trial spelled out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, both of which Bangladesh is bound by. The spurious trial was marked by reported harassment of defense lawyers and witnesses representing the accused. The Bangladeshi government is ignoring all requests by world leaders and various social and human rights organizations and continues to unjustly accuse, try, and punish members of Jamaat-e-Islami party.

The JIH President expressed surprise and dismay at the dictatorial attitude of the Bangladesh Prime Minister who is eliminating the leaders of Bangladesh Jamaat who at one point of time were partners with her in a political alliance.

Maulana Umari reminded Shaikh Hasina Wajid that she too would have to face death one day and appear before the Almighty on the Day of Judgment where she would have to account for all the unjust killings and illegal detentions she has engineered. If Shaikh Hasina is committing these heinous crimes to please the anti-Islamic forces, then by doing so, she is inviting the wrath of Allah. She must not forget that in Islam the killing of a single innocent is equivalent to killing the entire humanity.

Maulana Nizami was elected to the Parliament for two terms (1991-95 & 2001-2006). He was the former Agriculture Minister (2001-2003) and Industry Minister (2003-2006) of Bangladesh. He was also the permanent Member of the Muslim World League (Rabita) which is the Central Co-ordination Committee among International Islamic Organizations and Centers. He did his Masters in Islamic law with distinction. He is a graduate of Dhaka University. Maulana Nizami was a prominent Islamic scholar & author of 54 valuable books in different disciplines.

Media Department – Jamaat-e-Islami Hind

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1 Comment

  1. Aafaq Ahmed

    Asslamu Alykum,

    What kind of reaction JIH is doing for this shameful death………
    Please Let me Know Any kind of protest, or any other activity which Jamaate Islami Hind has done or planned against it…….

    We protest at a time of “Ikhwanul Muslimin” and so many programs held ,, But no any reaction except some press release this time….
    Please Answer Soon……