“Inculcate the habit of Introspection” -Maulana Naimuddin Islahi

December 12, 2015

“Inculcate the habit of Introspection” -Maulana Naimuddin Islahi

12th December 2015

The second day of the 4-day All India Ijtema-e-Arkan began with the faithful waking up early for Tahajjud and Fajr prayers. The Fajr prayers were followed by a unique session on health and fitness wherein Janab Ibraheem Jeelani sahab highlighted the benefits of a balanced diet and regular exercise. Refreshed and invigorated, the members started gearing up for the day’s first session.

The session began with a Dars-e-Qur’an by Shaikh-ut-Tafseer Maulana Naimuddin Islahi sahib. While elaborating on the initial ayaat of the last ruku of Surah al-Hashr, Maulana averred that Muslims will attain victory despite lack of manpower or resources because they have Allah’s help and because of the undeniable fact that the entire creation of Allah supports the believers in Allah’s cause. He encouraged us to make sure that our deeds should match our words when we invite others to Islam with beautiful preaching and compassion. Allah has always repeated the command of “Ittaqullah” in reference to refrain from the disobedience of Prophet ﷺ. He also urged us to pay special attention to self-introspection and that of our family members in order to attain eternal bliss.

Next, Maulana Waliullah Saidi Falahi sahib (Sec. Tarbiyah) delivered an inspirational sermon on Ta’lluq billah (Rapport with Allah). Interspersed with emotional stories of the Sahaba, he explained that the love of the Prophet ﷺ is subservient to the love of Allah. He also reminded us that it does not matter if anyone is aware of our deeds as long as Allah is. He also stressed upon the fact that the desire for sacrifice is impossible without Ta’lluq billah. Maulana Falahi also exhorted us to inculcate in ourselves the spirit of gratitude and to attain Allah’s pleasure by means of nawafil prayers like namaz and fasts, taubah and astaghfar, dua and azkar.

Thereafter, T. Arif Ali sahib (Member, CAC) spoke at length on Huqooqul Ibad (Rights of fellow human beings) and Ma’amlat (relations).


After T. Arif Ali, the dais was graced by Dr. Javed Mukarram Siddiqui, managing Director Touba laboratories Aurangabad, who emphasized upon the importance of adhering to the standard that organization sets. He detailed the common problems that take away a person from the goal of the organization. Procrastination is the habit of postponing the regular activities out of laziness and lack of punctuality. To curb this one has to define the goals with time and achieve them with relentless commitment. Taking continuous feedback from colleagues, family and the leader is the best tool to keep on checking the mistakes that are often not captured by one self. Dedicating the specified time of our life for the sake of organization is must to achieve any objective. Spending time for the organization is worth nothing without being attached to Almighty Allah. One should always be ready to take challenging projects in the path of Allah without any fear and with lot of determination as it is evident that every creature of Allah would support those who strive in His cause.

The fifth lecture of today’s first session was delivered by S. Ameenul Hasan sahib (Member, CAC) on ‘Knowledge, farsightedness and skills’. He said that true knowledge is that which enables us to differentiate between light and darknesses and to guide mankind towards it. All knowledge belongs to Allah alone which He has revealed to His prophets in stages from Adam to Nooh to Ibraheem to Musa to Isa (May peace be upon them) and which reached its climax with Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. On the other hand, farsightedness helps us to have a broader vision of things to come so that we may plan and execute accordingly. It may be quite possible that the Islamic revolution would be shouldered by people from enemy ranks planted there by Allah as was the case of Musa (May peace be upon him). Speaking of skill development, he brought to our notice that Allah bestowed special skills on all prophets and moreover, the discoveries and inventions of our scientists have also been a result of Allah’s inspiration. We need to tap into the skills of our highly talented cadre and channelize them to bring out the most for the benefit of the Islamic Movement. Ameen sahab summed up his speech by enumerating three basic points:

  1. Increase attachment with the Qur’an.
  2. Inculcate a habit of regular study and learn new concepts.
  3. Develop inter personal skills.


The first session today concluded with Member of CAC, Muhammad Jafar sahab’s address. He spoke on the importance of doing work selflessly, all along obeying our leadership without any desire for personal posts whatsoever. He highlighted the importance of prioritizing our sacrifices of time over our money. He urged us to engage in a disciplined collective work instead of doing things individually.






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1 Comment

  1. Ahmed Abdul Quadeer

    Assalumualiakum, I would like to bring to your attention the poor quality of the audio and video in the recordings uploaded on this website. For an all India event that was well organised with great speakers, it is really a shame that the benefit of this event cannot reach those who desire to do so through the videos uploaded. It is in fact our Fardh to ensure that these technical difficulties do not get in the way of the greater message of Islam that is yet to reach thousands. Please ensure that this is taken care of in the future, InshaAllah.
