CSR releases two surveys, JIH President calls them vital documents offering valuable insights to understand the educational landscape for Muslims in India

February 8, 2024

New Delhi: The President of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH), Syed Sadatullah Husaini released two surveys at the India International Centre conducted by the Delhi-based think tank – Centre for Study and Research (CSR) in collaboration with NOUS Network. He described the two survey reports as “vital documents” offering valuable insights for government officials, policymakers, scholars, educators, community leaders, and researchers seeking to understand the educational landscape for Muslims in India.

The two reports by CSR called – “A Survey of Muslim-Affiliated Private Institutions of Higher Education in India” and “Two Decades after Sachar: A Socio-Economic Survey of Indian Muslims” were praised by the JIH President, who emphasized how it can improve education quality, uplift the Muslim community, and guide policymaking towards equal educational opportunities for all.

CRS is a not-for-profit organization that aims at knowledge production in domains about all sciences impacting human civilization. The CSR survey marks the first attempt of its kind to map the higher education institutes managed by the Muslim minority community across India. The data provides a reference point to track the growth in Muslim institutes over the coming years.

CSR Director Dr. Mohammad Rizwan highlighted the collaborative effort behind the study on Muslim-run institutions. He said, “Prepared with the help of NOUS Network led by CEO Ali Javed, the report examines higher educational institutions managed by Muslim societies and trusts, including those founded by Muslims and currently overseen by government agencies.”

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