JIH Central Advisory Council passes resolutions; condemns Ukraine war, appeals to Muslim community to face prevailing situation courageously

October 12, 2022

New Delhi, 12 Oct. 2022: The Central Advisory Council (CAC) of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) in its session dated 3-5 Oct. 2022 adopted resolutions related to the war in Ukraine, the Muslim community in India and the economic situation of our country.

In the resolutions, it is stated that the CAC-JIH “condemns the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia. Many countries are facing inflation and rising prices of essential commodities. The CAC wants Russia, Ukraine and the European Union to come to the table soon and stop the military operation forthwith. The CAC appeals to the international community to devise a lasting peace between the two countries. We also demand from our Government to take interest in this issue and exercise its influences for its solution.”

Regarding the situation of the Muslim community in India, the CAC of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind “feels that presently the Indian Muslims are facing umpteen challenges. Personal law, Shari’ah, mosques and madrasas, their identities and religious symbols are being targeted. Insults are being thrown at the Prophet of Islam, Muslim youth, who ran a countrywide movement against CAA/NRC were sent behind bars on baseless charges under draconian laws. Similar baseless charges have been levelled against the civil society and justice-loving personalities, who had lent their support to this movement. The CAC appeals to Indian Muslims to face the situation with trust in God, patience, fortitude and courage, keeping away from fear and disappointment or reaction and extremism. They must strive together with peace- and justice-loving people to establish equity and justice, promotion of virtues and eradication of oppression and injustice in the country.”

Regarding the economic situation, the CAC is “gravely concerned that the economic condition of the country is going from bad to worse. Rupee is continuously depreciating, prices of essential commodities are skyrocketing, and the graph of unemployment in the country is increasing fast. To decrease the unemployment rate, the CAC feels, at least one crore jobs need to be created every year in the country so that we may lessen the worries of our unemployed youth who are falling prey to disappointment and hopelessness. The CAC believes that there is no paucity of resources in the country; the problem is of their equitable distribution and flow of wealth from the rich to the poor. This requires fundamental changes in the policies of the country.”

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